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    Frequently asked questions

    Will I receive the exact product shown in the picture?

    Yes, when you make a purchase through our Amazon-affiliated website, you will receive the exact product depicted in the picture. We collaborate with Amazon to ensure the products you see on our site are identical to what you receive.

    Where can I view my sales receipt?

    To view your sales receipt from a purchase through our Amazon-affiliated website, follow these steps:

    1. Log in to your Amazon account.
    2. Click on "Your Orders" in the top right corner.
    3. Find the order you want to review and select "Order Details."
    4. Scroll down to locate and click on "Invoice" to view or print your receipt.

    If you can't find your receipt, Amazon customer service can help you.

    How can I track my order?

    To track your order purchased through our Amazon-affiliated website, follow these steps:

    1. Log in to your Amazon account.
    2. Click on "Your Orders" in the top right corner.
    3. Locate the order you want to track.
    4. Click on "Track Package" to view the current status and estimated delivery date.
    How can I return an item?

    If you need to return an item you bought through our Amazon-affiliated website, follow these steps:

    1. Log in to your Amazon account and go to "Your Orders."
    2. Find the order containing the item you want to return and select "Return or Replace Items."
    3. Choose the item and reason for the return, then follow the on-screen instructions.
    4. If the item is eligible for return, you will receive a prepaid shipping label.

    Once the item is returned in its original condition, you will receive a refund for the purchase price.

    Where can I ship my order?

    You can ship your order to any address within the country where the website operates. Enter your desired shipping address during checkout. Some sellers may have different policies and might not ship to specific locations, so check the product page for details.

    For any questions about shipping, contact the seller or Amazon customer service for assistance.